
God Is Greater Than The Regrets You Feel Inside

We all commit mistakes. Human as we are, there’s a possibility that we will do things that we will regret in the end. We wanted to change what happened, but we can never do it. The past is in the past, and that will never change. But even though we feel guilty for what we did, we need to remember that God is greater than the regrets in our lives. We don’t have the power to change what happened, but God is powerful enough to pull us up. So if you think that your past is still haunting you right now, then surrender it all to God. Let Him take good care of you. He will transform your life in ways you can never imagine.

Remember that we all live according to the grace of God. That’s why, when you feel so dirty inside, let the precious blood of Jesus purify your heart. You may blame yourself for what happened in the past, but God wants to set you free from the bondages that keep you away from His presence. You can always repent and ask for forgiveness. God is just waiting for you to come to Him. He will never abandon you. His love is greater than the things that you did before. He will accept you if you will just humble your heart and let Him change your perspective so that you will also learn to love yourself. 

Receive His mercy and surrender everything to God. You can’t carry all the burdens in your heart on your own. You need His help. Just come to His presence and cry out everything. Release all the pain and the regrets you feel inside, and He will be there to comfort you. He will embrace you with His love. He will let you feel that He is greater than all the negative emotions you feel inside. Your heavenly Father will never condemn you. He will never remind you of the things that you did wrong. Instead, He always wants you to remember that His mercy is greater than all your mistakes.

God will lift you up. He will take away the guilt you feel inside, and He will replace it with His love. When you feel so ashamed to face Him, just remember that God will never abandon you. He knows your heart, and all you need to do is depend on His love more than you rely on your own strength. Remember what Jesus did on the cross. He sacrificed His life just for you to receive His forgiveness. He did everything to save you from greater pain. So don’t be afraid to come to Jesus. He accepts you for who you are, and He will make you whole again.