
God Is Holding You Right Now

He will never let you go
Your problems and trials
can never separate you away from God
His love will continue to surround you

Even if you wanted to let go of His hands
He will continue to hold yours
He will provide for you
Because He loves you so much
It simply means that He will never abandon you

People may throw a lot of hurting words at you
But know that God knows who you truly are
So you better listen to Him
You may feel so tired right now
Because you are going through a lot lately
But keep this in mind
You can always rest in the arms of God

He will give you the kind peace
that this world can never offer to you
Trust God
Believe in His promises in your life
You are more than a conqueror
As long as God is with you
You can do anything

Nothing is too hard for God
Even in times when you wanted to quit
He will continue to pull you up
He will give you enough strength

If God will never let you go
It simply means that you will always be safe in His arms
He will guide you all along the way

He will protect you
Until you realize that all you wanted in life is Him
Until you open your heart for His love
And experience the kind of life that He wanted you to live
You are so special to Him
And He will always keep you inside His heart