God is Just
My whole being will exclaim, “Who is like you, Lord? You rescue the poor from those too strong for them, the poor and needy from those who rob them.”
Psalm 35:10, NIV
God is moving even when you can’t see Him. Many times, we witness injustices around us. People tend to use their power to exploit certain resources for their own gain. They took the shortcut and eagerly received the things that they wanted. They forget the rights of other people and think of their selfish gains. If you experience unfavorable situations that make you feel like God is not there. Then, this verse will remind you what’s in His heart.
The Lord will rescue the poor and needy from those who rob them. We may not know how He will do this, but one day, those who mistreat the poor will reap the consequences of their bad choices. This is why the fear of the Lord is very important. It guides us to make the right decisions. It gives us wisdom and light.
If you think that the people around you already abused the authority that God gave them, then remember that at the end of the day, He is sovereign. He is a just God. You may not see what He is doing behind the scenes, but His hands are moving. So do not be discouraged. God’s Kingdom will soon reign.
Surrender everything that you feel to God. Lift up all your worries and cares to Him. Tell Him about the unfair situations that you experienced. Be honest with what you feel, and allow Him to comfort you. Just keep doing what’s right in God’s eyes. Honor Him and the people around you. Do not allow the pain to consume your heart and thoughts. Release them to God and let Him reign in your life.
The Holy Spirit will give you the courage to do what’s right and empower you to make good decisions. You may want to defend yourself and do bad things to those who hurt you, but allow God to take over. Know that He will rescue you.
Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for reminding me that you are a just God. Help me Lord, that I may learn to trust and believe in your ways, especially when I experience unfair situations. Teach me how to keep my faith in you and how to humbly accept the things that you want me to go through. Lead me to your heart, Lord, that I may learn to surrender all the pain and allow You to take over. This I ask and pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.