God Is Not A Stranger He Knows What’s Going On
Your creator knows you so well. In fact, you are not a stranger in His eyes. God’s love for you is greater than anything. It’s wide and deep. You can’t even fathom His greatness. So every time you face difficult moments in life, always remember that God knows what’s going on. He knows your story, and more importantly, He knows your heart. Sometimes, people are just too quick to judge, but God will never condemn you because, in the first place, God sees all your hardships and all the struggles that you face just for you to get to the place where you are right now. He knows what you truly want and need. He takes good care of you even before you are conceived. So please don’t treat Him as if He is just nothing. God is not a stranger. He is your heavenly Father.
Trust God, for He knows what He is doing. He is perfect in all of His ways, and He will never destroy your life. He is your friend. He is not someone who will just come and then leave you behind. God will never disappoint you. His plans for you are greater than what your mind can perceive. He wants you to prosper. The difficulties that you are going through right now is not your final destination. You can still go through a lot of wonderful moments with Him. Just include Him along the journey. He may be with you, but sometimes, you can’t feel it because your heart is not yet ready to receive His love.
He is the only one who can fully understand your heart. You may be surrounded by your family and friends, but at the end of the day, even the closest people in your life can’t even understand you sometimes. That’s one of the most painful experiences you could ever go through. It’s those moments when the people that you love so much failed to even ask you about the matters of your heart. And instead of helping you, sometimes they are the ones who will tend to break your heart. But even though we feel this way, please remind yourself that God alone can help you recover. He will be your strength when you feel so weak and broken.
God is already making way for you even before you ask for some help. You just need to seek His guidance and learn to wait. The solution will always be there, but how you see the answers matter in how you know God and follow His ways. So if you wanted to spend your life with Him, please don’t treat Him as a stranger. God wants to have a lasting relationship with you. Remember that He is your lover.

Sunitha Samson
The message read today is absolutely true. Really in my life I am going through such a situation. And I had so cruel experiences, I failed in so many things. But really God rescued me. And through His gracious mercy and consoling words I am living today. Thanks be to the Loving Lord Jesus Christ. Glory to His Mighty name. Amen.
Thank you for your help through heart warming message. God bless you. Amen.
AMEN. I needed this today… I am alone for Thanksgiving. And will be for every holiday. I know the Lord is with me. I just needed to be reminded that I can’t see him, but He’s here…
Salve Delatado
Jesus our Lord and Savior, have mercy on us.
Amen !!