
God Is Not Just Watching, He Is Making Way for You

If you think that God is like an audience who is just watching you right now, you need to know that He is also doing something in your life. You may not see His ways but trust that His plans are always great for you. God knows when you need help, and even if you are not asking Him to help you, He will still continue to pour out enough blessings just for you to make it.

God doesn’t just wait for your story to unfold. He is the greatest author, if you let Him write your story, He will make it into something you never dreamed of. He knows the process and the things you need to experience to complete the missing pieces in your life. You can always depend on His great love for you. He is the kind of author who is madly in love with the characters in His stories. So surrender the pen, and let Him take over.

Never forget that in the darkest seasons of your life, God is making way for you. He always works in mysterious ways. That’s why we never really know the things that He is doing behind the scene. No matter how uncertain this life may be, God’s love is always our security. So do not be afraid of your future because you are always safe in His arms.

We can never really comprehend the ways of God. He is so wise and perfect that we can’t understand what He is doing most of the time. But all we have to do is simply allow Him to move in the midst. He is powerful enough to transform our hearts and the situation that we are in. We lose hope because we tend to look at the things that we can do rather than focusing on the power of God.

Your heavenly Father is collecting all those tears, and He will transform it into a beautiful treasure. He knows when you feel so down, and He is also cheering you up while you go through every battle. He is not only observing you, but He is also helping you along the way. More than anything else, God sees what’s going on deep within. And He will deal with your heart when you are ready. Only God knows when, so put your trust on Him.

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