His Word

God is Patient

For about forty years he endured their conduct in the wilderness; and he overthrew seven nations in Canaan, giving their land to his people as their inheritance. All this took about 450 years.

Acts 13: 18-20, NIV

God wasn’t in a hurry. He was so patient with His people. The word that Luke used in Acts 13:18 was ‘He endured,’ meaning that God extended His understanding and love for His people despite their complaints and negative behavior. The Israelites spent 40 years in the wilderness not because it was God’s plan but because their hearts were hard and stubborn. God needed to teach them and walk with them along the journey so that they would learn their lessons.

He didn’t rush them to change immediately. He patiently dealt with them with so much mercy and grace. In addition, it also took about 450 years for the Israelites to receive their inheritance. These long years made me realize that God was not rushing things. He patiently endured and waited for His people to be ready.

It felt like God was not intimidated by your weaknesses or your own timeline, He could deal with it. He could take you to a journey where you will also receive His promises. That’s how patient, faithful and good our God is. So, if you feel like you are running out of time, then come to God’s presence, and pray that He will give you the faith to trust in His plans.

God doesn’t rush you. He knows when you are ready. He was patient with you because He didn’t want you to perish. That’s why, learn to extend that patience and grace to yourself as well. When you find it hard to accept your weaknesses, remember how God patiently endured the Israelites’ behavior in the wilderness. He will walk with you along the journey. Just stay with Him, and never let go of His hands.

Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for being so patient with us. Thank you for walking with us along the journey. Thank you for allowing us to learn new things every day. Please teach us how to accept our weaknesses and give us the wisdom to deal with them. We pray for the kind of faith that’s willing to wait on your promises. Give us a committed heart that we may continue to serve and glorify your name until the very end. This we ask, in Jesus’ name, amen.