
God Is So Patient With You Simply Because He Loves You So Much

We all commit mistakes in life. There are moments when we tend to do things that are not pleasing in the eyes of God. We follow our own decisions, not knowing that it will just lead us to brokenness. And when we feel so devastated inside, that’s when we will be able to think of God. We come to Him in prayer and ask for help, hoping that He will rescue us from the situation that caused us to experience greater pain. We humbly come to His presence when things are so messed up. But even though we fail to include Him in our decisions, God never condemns us. Instead, He remained so patient despite the things that we did to Him. He is so faithful not because of who we are but because of who He is. What He did is all because of His great love.

God shows His patience through His grace. He gives us enough courage to overcome all the consequences of our mistakes, and He is always there to guide us. He stayed faithful to us even in times when we can’t even follow His ways. Sometimes, we go through hardships because of the wrong decisions that we made in the past. Never forget that we need to be responsible enough to handle the consequences of our choices.  But God won’t allow us to face it on our own. Even though He doesn’t like what we did in the first place, His love will always be there to rescue us. There will be pain and difficulties, but He will give us enough strength. Hoping that one day, we will learn to obey Him instead of following our selfish desires.

Yes, God is just so good and kind to us, but His patience is not an excuse for us to keep on committing sins. Remember that He is a Holy God. He hates sins, but He never hated you. He doesn’t like the things that you did wrong, but He always treated you as His beloved. Let the love of God lead you to repentance. Let him change the way you see life. Let Him reign inside your heart, and you will have enough weapon to fight against the temptations of the enemy. 

The love of God is the reason why you still receive blessings in life. We are not perfect, but His grace and love will lead us to obey His word. You can’t do it on your own. Remember that you can always ask for help. Let Him take over, and you will learn to let go of things that will destroy your life in the end. Let the patience of God lead you to change your life. I hope you will have the courage to do it while you still have time.