
God is There No Matter What Choices You Will Make

God always allows you to make choices. Where you are right now and what you are doing are part of your simple decisions. Sometimes, life will set you into situations and changes that will give you a hard time making the right choices. You might feel so exhausted and desperate because of the current life situation that you are going through. However, please remember that in every choice you will make, God will always show His favor. He will still constantly bless you with everything that you need.

He will bless you with knowledge and wisdom. Draw yourself closer to His word and remind your heart of His promises. There will be times when the situation will test you on how and to whom you will place your faith into. When decisions do not turn out to be what you expect, you will blame yourself for not giving too much thought to them. But if you take time and look closely, He is moving in you. He is working in your heart and teaching you how to be humble and to submit your decisions to Him. When you rest your choices in Him, you will find yourself clueless about how He moves. Yes, He moves in ways that most of the time we could not understand. We see ourselves in the situation, but He will sometimes see our hearts instead of just the situation.

God sees things differently. You will see your life the way they are, but He sees you and the opportunity to perform His miracles. He sees things that are too deep for us to notice. That is why sometimes, you will find yourself lost and confused. Doubts will slowly creep out from you, and you will ask God things you do not understand. That is why it is essential to accept that there are countless things that God performs that we cannot comprehend. When things are giving you a hard time and making you so desperate, turn that deep eagerness into praise. Turn your worries into words of worship. Declare His goodness despite that pain and fear that you are feeling. Let that burning anger in you be replaced with the calm love of God. Let Him take over that intense pressure caused by the storm of life.

You are favored. Remember that. Although God seems to do it in ways you can never understand. He will allow things to happen in your life. He will enable chances to happen. You will experience countless defeats, but they can never outnumber the victories you will find in Him. You will experience rejection, but He will never turn you down. You will experience pain and heartbreak, but He can always heal and renew you. God’s cup is always overflowing. It never loses its source.

Place your choices in Him and watch how He will unfold things that would give you wonders. Of course, not all your preferences may lead to something you prayed for, but rest assured that the victory is already within you. It may not look like it, but success is within your heart. God is planting something priceless in you.