
God Knows How To Mold Your Heart

We can’t always understand God’s ways. Sometimes, it felt like He is leading us to uncomfortable places. Many times, we will be challenged to believe in Him despite the pain and difficulties. It’s like going through a narrow road. It’s hard yet fulfilling. It’s sometimes painful, but worth it in the end. Simply because God knows everything. He knows what your heart needs.

There may be seasons when it feels like it’s the end of everything, but God is there, molding you into a better person. The situations He allowed you to experience will purify what’s within. It will reveal the truth, and believe it or not, it will lead you to receive more of His grace. This may be hard to comprehend, but it’s part of His nature as God. He is full of mystery, yet His ways are accompanied by His goodness and love. There will be surprises along the journey, but trust that His hands will be there to give you everything that you need.

God knows how to mold your heart. He is aware of the things that you can’t see, and He knows what’s ahead. That’s why, you need to trust Him even though you can’t hear His answers. Sometimes, what you need are not the details, you just have to feel His love and care, and it’s more than enough. You just need to know that He is there.

You are safe in His arms. This doesn’t mean that you won’t experience pain. It just means that no matter what you experience, He will be there to lead you to His heart. God will always bring you back home. Like how a shepherd would carry His lost sheep, God will pick you up and safely carry you to where you belong.

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