God Knows The Story Behind Your Tears
You don’t have to speak or describe what you truly feel inside. If you just can’t find the exact words that you wanted to share with God, then just let your tears flow and cry out everything in His presence. He will comfort you. He knows the story behind your tears. Just let Him embrace you in your season right now. Be vulnerable in His presence and submit to God everything that you feel. Do not be afraid. God will not judge or condemn you. He knows the things that you are going through. So rest in His arms and receive His peace. God will give you enough strength so that you can make it. Never treat Him like a stranger. He is your Father, and He wants to help you.
You may not feel His presence, but do not stop talking to Him. He is listening to you. God sees the things that you’ve been going through, so connect to Him and choose to seek His comfort. He will be in the midst. He will embrace you with His love, and He will continue to perform miracles in your life. Just humble yourself in His presence and pour out everything to Him. You can be honest to your Heavenly Father. Treat Him as your best friend, and know that He is not just listening to you, but He is also healing your heart as you continuously share to Him everything you feel.
Your tears will never be wasted in the presence of God. He will turn them into a testimony one day. He will wipe away your tears and turn your mourning into dancing. You will rejoice in His presence because you experienced His great miracles in your life. God will make things beautiful in His perfect timing. So while you are still in the process of healing, just allow God to comfort you with His love. You will never feel lonely in His arms. His presence will push you to stand up and move forward.
God will heal you. He will renew your heart and restore your soul. He will redeem you from the dark past that you’ve experienced. In Him, you can always find hope. You may feel pain. Tears may flow, but always remember that God will never abandon you. He will store all your tears and turn it into beautiful treasures one day. Just wait and see, God will put the broken pieces back together, and you will learn to smile again.

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Nathaniel Myles