God knows why it Hurts
Your tears are meaningful to God simply because He knows the stories behind them. So if you think that nobody cares for you, then remember your Heavenly Father. He knows what you are going through. He is aware of the exact reasons behind your deepest wounds. You are not alone. God understands you. In fact, He knows you better than you know yourself. You may ask why it hurts so much, but He holds the answer. If you think you can no longer handle the pain, then cry it out to God, and He will give you the comfort and assurance you need. Stay in His arms and let His unfailing love give you the strength you need. Going through that season may not be easy, but what matters most is that God is aware of your pain, and He is doing something behind the scene.
God alone knows how to heal your heart. He is familiar with the details behind each wound. So stop expecting other people to restore you. Mere humans can’t simply fill the emptiness that you have inside. Our imperfections will somehow lead us to experience more pain instead of healing. Choose to seek God’s instructions and wait for His hands to move. Don’t carry the pain on your own. God is just waiting for you to surrender them. You can’t simply move forward if you are still carrying so many burdens in your heart. You need to learn how to let go. Acknowledge the pain and then slowly release them to your loving Father.
Receive His grace and rely on His strength. Don’t focus on your own ability and understanding. Sometimes, we just let the pain stay hidden because we think that nobody cares for us. But God loves you so much. He wants to set you free from the bondages that are keeping you from coming to Him. He desires for your heart to be completely restored. God feels your pain. He is there inside your heart, always pursuing you. Things may appear so blurry because of the emotions that you have, but know that He is with you. His presence may not be visible to your naked eyes, but if you choose to search within, you will find the light that you’ve been looking for. His grace is always available. You just need to learn how to humbly accept Him in your life.
You can always trust His will. He sees what’s ahead, and He is powerful enough to restore what’s broken. If God asks you to go through the process, then walk with Him even if it hurts. The pain won’t kill you. In fact, it will even strengthen and build your foundation. Don’t worry! You are more important than the birds in the sky and the flowers in the field. Your Heavenly Father wanted you to experience the best things in life. It’s just sometimes, He will ask you to heal first before you receive what He prepared.