God may send you the Right People, but it Doesn’t mean you won’t Experience Pain with them
Life is not perfect. There will be pain along the way. If you wanted to align to God because you no longer wanted to encounter heartaches, then it’s time to accept the truth that as long as you are living here on earth, you will go through pain. And it’s not that people wanted to hurt you. It’s just they are imperfect humans who are also going through so much in life. They are also walking along the healing process, and you need to be patient with them. The right people still have the potential to disappoint and sometimes hurt you. But the good thing is, they will never lead you to the kind of pain that will break your soul. Instead, they will let you experience the pain of growth. They will teach you how to die and give up your fleshly desires. They will open your eyes to what love truly is.
Remember that God never commits mistakes. He knows what He is doing. There may be times when you can’t help but question Him because of the people that He sent, but keep in mind that He is perfect. He purposely allowed you to meet certain people in life so that you would grow and develop yourself. He knows what you need. You may think that you know yourself so well, but only God knows what’s the hidden insecurities and imperfections in your heart. And you can somehow figure out the remedies for your wounds the moment God sends unexpected people into your life. Their actions and words will challenge you to become a better person every single day.
So don’t be afraid of pain. The goal is not about experiencing a painless life, but it’s about learning how to get up despite the wounds in your heart. So when pain tries to reign, take it as your opportunity to become even stronger. Apply the lessons that God taught you. Remember the words that He said. Hide in His presence. Pour out what you feel, but after you surrender everything, choose to get up and live again. When you learn to rise after the storm, that’s when you will appreciate what life is all about. Pain is always part of the process. But it’s not the end. Just keep going, and you will find the hope that you are looking for.
The right people will teach you what it means to truly love. And most of the time, it happens in situations you didn’t expect. It won’t be easy to go through difficult seasons with them, but when you look back, you will realize that you need people like them to open your eyes. And even if the road that you are taking appears so imperfect, in the end, God will prove to you that it’s what you need. One day, you will appreciate the right people that He allowed you to meet.