
God Never Commits Mistakes

He designed everyone
According to His image
He made everything with His power
He never created something that’s useless

Everything around you has a purpose
The places you went through
The people you meet along the way
It’s already included in the plans of God

You are not an accident
You are included in His great plans
Above all, you are not a mistake
God destined you to live here on earth

Your future will always be bright
So if you are wondering why you are here
Then know that God has a purpose for you
Your personality is not an accident

The talents and the skills
that you have are His gifts
So treasure what you have
And keep His love in your heart

Remind yourself
that you are God’s creation
He is your Father
and you are His beloved

You will not understand it now
Maybe you have so many questions
But learn to increase your faith
Instead of doubting His love

Everything that happened in your life
will make sense one day
Know that when God allows
Something to happen
Then it simply means
That He has a purpose for it

Remember that God is perfect
He is faithful
He will make things beautiful in His time
Just learn to wait
Go through the process
One day, you will thank Him
For everything