
God Never Wants To Destroy You; In fact, He Desires To Save You

The tragedies in our lives can lead us to misinterpret the ways of God. Sometimes, when we go through so much pain, we think that God already abandoned us. We may not understand the ways of God, but He never wants to destroy us. He loves us so much, and He desires to save us from greater pain. So if you feel so broken right now, then always remember that He will heal your heart, and He will make you grow into a better person. God has amazing plans for your life. Just trust in His ways and believe with all your heart that God will always be there to save you. God is always good. And that will never change.

Surrender all your questions to God. Share to Him the things that are bothering in your mind. Just allow Him to love you, and He will teach you how to trust in Him even more. He will take away the fear you feel inside, and He will replace it with His love. God will be there to hold your hands when you feel so hopeless in life. He will light the way for you, and He will give you the courage to take the next step. One day, you will stop asking questions. Instead, you will learn to believe in the promises of God even if you feel scared inside.

God allows you to go through pain so that you will experience greater blessings. He is just preparing your heart and mind so that you will have a strong foundation. When you face storms in life, you will never be easily shaken because God already taught you how to deal with it through the difficulties that you encountered before. God wants you to grow and mature so that you will be able to handle His great blessings. So be patient and learn to persevere.

His ways are always mysterious. But you can always trust in His great love. As long as you continue to seek His name. Your life here on earth will never be wasted.  The problems that come your way will lead you to God’s salvation. When the time is right, you will realize why you need to go through difficult seasons. You will learn to appreciate the ways of God in your life. And above all, you will experience His great love. 

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