God Prepared More For You
Your life is not a race, so take your time. There’s more ahead of you because God has already prepared everything. Your timeline is just unique. Your destiny and fate will unfold differently because God knows you more than anyone else. It will sometimes frustrate you because you feel like everyone else is ahead of you.
You feel so alone in your path, and you start to lose motivation because what’s happening is different from how you planned it. But shift your perspective, and you will realize that delays are not rejections. It is a matter of how you wait and what you will learn in the process. He already set everything, so keep your feet on the ground and keep on going.
You are still alive and breathing, meaning God is not done with you yet. There is more that you still have to experience. More battles are set for you to win. You will still muster things in this life. You will still have to develop your determination and grow in your faith. Trust and believe that God already orchestrated your life. Declare to your problems that God is more significant than your fears and disappointments. Know that there are more ways to enjoy and live this life.
So when you feel like giving up, just rest and read His word. Remind yourself that if you have experienced victory before, He will still do it again and again. But also remember that you will only be able to know how to treasure victory if you see how hard you worked hard for it. Most importantly, you will not realize how loved you are if you will not witness His greatness in seasons of emptiness. So do not lose hope because no one knows what’s ahead yet. Always remember there is always a great opportunity and that anything will happen ahead of you. So, do not focus on negative things and worries because He prepared joyful and more breakthroughs ahead of you.
God already prepared your future. Your hard work will pay off. Remember that your difficult seasons do not define your whole life. It does not give meaning to who and what you are because there is still more to fill you. So, keep your cup full because the one who gives it to you will always fill it with more than enough. Keep holding on. You may see and may find it difficult to believe it yet, but know that He moves in ways we will not always see. Keep your hopes up and never lose your faith. Always have Him as your reason to go on.

One Comment
Thank you, Pursued this article is the thing I wanted to read. It has spoken deeply on my innermost self. May God bless with wisdom and much strength to pursue posting inspiring messages.