God Sees your Value
God sees your worth
Not your mistakes
He knows your identity
Jesus died on the cross for you
He already released forgiveness
So receive God’s grace
Stop condemning yourself
Don’t focus on your imperfections
Set your eyes on the blessing
And feel grateful for everything
Don’t see your wrongs
Instead, grow in His presence
Learn the lesson
Your sins are not your identity
Because that is not you
Remember, you are God’s creation
You have a great purpose on earth
Continue glorifying God’s name
Let that opportunity
Be a way to entirely rely on Him
He will satisfy you
Open your heart for His love
And He will heal your wound
And teach you to forgive yourself
Listen to God
Be patient with yourself
And let God mold you
Know that you are growing
You are not a mistake
You are important
That’s why move forward
And do not dwell on the wrong things