
God Waits for you until you are Ready

Doing new things takes time. You have to prepare yourself, especially when a task will significantly impacts your life. All of us have been through this kind of process. We go through many learning processes just to get a degree or learn some skills. We equip ourselves with the skills needed for a job. There are also times when we don’t know whether we are ready. We just take action and let everything unfold on its own. Yet, look at you. You have been through a lot but still living. You can freely move and walk wherever you want. However, there will be moments when you have to do something whether you are ready or not. It’s this moments when you need to allow your loving Father to take over. 

God is patient with you. He knows what you need to learn before He will give you the blessings that He prepared. Sometimes, it will look like you are being hurried or rushed, but He knows the perfect timing. He believes in you and will wait for you till you are ready. He never really leaves you. He is always in the midst of everything that you are doing. You just have to wait and get into the process.

 A skilled person is never called capable unless he or she has been through a lot of training. A wise person will not acquire wisdom if he or she has not been through many breaking and making moments. A person can never learn a lesson if he or she is not teachable. The same goes for you. You will not inherit one thing unless you are ready to walk through the process. The good news is that God will wait for you until you are prepared. He will not let you take things that are beyond your capabilities. Instead, He will give you something He knows you can handle with Him.

He knows what you can and cannot do. But that does not mean that you have to do everything. You have to do what you can and let Him handle those you can’t. Things such as people’s responses and unseen situations. You have to let God take those things that are beyond your control. And wait and see how He will set everything for you.

Believe that He knows the best things for you. For you to appreciate them,  you need to set your lens on His. Know that God sees things you don’t and knows their purpose in your life. Let Him reveal those things to you and open your heart and mind for it. 

God knows your heart and will wait for you until you are ready. When your heart is prepared to be one with His. He will wait for you to learn the things you must to let Him be part of your life. He will wait until you are ready to tell and confess everything to Him. Know that He will listen to you. He understands you and knows what you need. He wipes your tears and mends what is broken. He will heal you again and again. So believe and trust in Him always.