God Wants To Have A Relationship With You
You are blessed
not because of your achievements
But because God is with you all this time
You are loved
not because of the things that you did
But because God simply loves you for who you are
Nothing can ever change His love for you
Not even your sins and mistakes in life
God wanted to protect and take good care of you
He wants to have a lasting relationship with you
So that you will no longer feel lonely
when people leave you behind
He wants to stay forever with you
So that you will have enough courage to face this life
God is doing good things in your life
Simply because it’s His nature
He doesn’t look at the mess inside your heart
But He is deeply concerned with your wounds
That’s why He wanted to heal you
So that you will no longer be afraid to love and trust again
Everything will be okay
Simply because the God who created this universe
is holding you
You will fall on the ground,
but God will help you stand
His presence is guiding you
so that when you are tempted to obey your own desires
He will then remind you
about the great plans that He have in mind
Sometimes, we think that God depends on our actions
But the truth is, He is doing the best for us
Simply because He wanted to be with us
This is what a relationship is all about
It’s choosing to stay
even if everything is so messed up
And that’s what God did in our lives
He remained faithful even if we feel so broken inside
I pray that one day,
You will learn to read His word
not because you are obliged to do it
But simply because you wanted to have
a relationship with Him
May you learn to pray and worship Him
Not because you need something
But because you wanted to take delight in His presence

One Comment
Pauline Vue
Have Faith in God in Everything we do and say.