God Wants To Put You In A Place Where You Will Grow
You may ask questions right now because it seems like God mistakenly put you in the wrong place, but if you focus on the things that will help you grow, you will realize that you are surrounded by many opportunities. You have to change the lens that you are using and try to zoom out. Only then will you appreciate the lessons God prepared behind the situation He allowed you to experience. If you listen to His voice and allow His wisdom to reign, you will take every hardship you face as an opportunity to grow and become a better person. Seek God and connect to Him so that you will always be guided.
Don’t run away from difficulties. You may think you can’t solve the problems before you, but God will be there to help you. Face the storm with Him. Because when you do, you will learn how to fully depend on Him. When you realize that you are powerless, God’s grace will be evident in your life. When you can’t control the things happening to you, you will learn what it truly means to let go. You will no longer depend on yourself. Instead, you will surrender your worries and cares to your Heavenly Father. When that happens, your faith in Him will never be the same.
You won’t grow if you will stay in your comfort zone. You need to do things that will challenge your character and skills. In such a way, you will realize what you need to work out. You may not always feel comfortable whenever God purposely puts you in an unexpected place. But keep in mind that what He is doing is for your own good. He sees what’s ahead. He knows what you need to survive the next season of your life. Trust His hands because God knows what He is doing. He will never give you something that will destroy your soul. It may somehow break your heart, but that breaking is just a part of the transformation process.
Focus on the lessons. You will have the courage to keep moving if you note the things you learned. With that, you will be reminded that what you experienced is not in vain because it produces character and faith. When you thank God for the lessons you learned, it’s like you also acknowledge the growth you experienced. Maybe you are not in the wrong place. Yes, your circumstance is not easy to deal with, but God is molding you behind the scenes.