God wants us to See People Through the Eyes of Love
This world is not perfect. That’s why there are moments when we feel so devastated, especially when people around us tend to do things that break our hearts. But despite the uncertainties and all the imperfections, God still wants us to see people through the eyes of love. He wants us to serve our neighbors. It’s not an easy thing to do. Most of the time, it’s so hard to do good things to those people who can’t even appreciate the great blessings around them. But then, we love not because of what others did for us, but simply because of what Jesus did on the cross just to save us. Receiving His love in our lives will also give us the courage to love others.
Do not focus on the negative characteristics of the person. You will be so disappointed if you keep on thinking about their mistakes. Try to look at the good things that they did and learn to be grateful for their lives. You may experience pain because of them, but just learn the lesson behind your situation without blaming the person. Whether you believe it or not, they are also facing difficult battles in life. So choose to be kind and stop judging them according to the things that happened in their lives. You never really know the struggles they need to overcome to arrive at the place where they are right now. Respect their journey and just love them.
Remember that the people around you are part of God’s creation. They are His children, and He loves them so much. So try to look at them the way God sees them. Let Him change your perspective. Open your heart so that He can reign inside. Only then will you be able to love them the way God loves you. It’s not going to be easy. There are moments when you need to give up your own will, but know that God will give you the strength that you need. Let His grace reign inside your heart, and you will figure out the things that you can do for His glory.
Choose to love, and the bitterness inside your heart will cease. Remember God’s mercy and grace, and keep in your mind that only Him can teach you how to accept and serve the people around you. Depend on His great power, and let Him be the source of your strength. When you feel so tired of loving the people around you, just come to God, and He will fill your heart with the love you need. Know that He will never fail, and with Him, you will always learn how to treat other people with kindness.

One Comment
Rita Lawrence
God tells me to forgive also people who hurt me.
It’s difficult for me because they mentally monetarily misused me.
They even said that they believe God.
Couldn’t understand what was going on against me.