
God Wants Your Surrendered Heart

It is very common for us humans to control certain things in life. This is the reason why we feel so stressed. We try to handle our situations and sometimes we wanted to hold things together even if it means losing ourselves along the process. Yes, it’s really hard to deal with the uncertainties in life, but we can never control the things that are happening around us. What we can do is deal with ourselves and lift up everything to God. He is just waiting for us to surrender. And it means that we allow Him to do miracles and perform wonders in our lives. It means that we give God the chance to manage the situations that we can never control. Letting God do His job will change the way you see things.

He wants your surrendered heart. You don’t have to put some efforts on the matters that you can’t control. You will just waste your energy if you keep on pushing the things that are not meant for you to handle. Just learn to lift up everything to God and let Him take over. Don’t worry, He will take good care of you. Remember that He loves you so much and He just want you to trust in Him. You will never be disappointed as long as you let God reign in your heart. Choose to surrender and He will give you the peace that you need. Your loving Father will wrap His arms around you and give you rest.

Acknowledge the power of God in your life. Stop relying on your own strength. You can never make it if you keep on depending on your knowledge and understanding. You need the courage and grace of God. You need His amazing love. So lift up your hands and open your heart, so that His love can come in and take away all your fears. Remember that He can do all things. Nothing is impossible for God. All you need to do is believe in Him with all your heart. Have faith and remember His goodness in your life. Fill your mind with His promises.

Do not be afraid to give up everything. Surrender your burdens to God and He will give you peace. Your heart will feel so light the moment you learn to offer all your worries to Him. He will make you feel so secured and you will be blessed with enough strength. Just know that once you let God move in your life, then miracles will surely happen. Hold His hands and imagine that God is with you. He never leaves your side.