God Will Bring You To A Safe Place
He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me. The Lord has dealt with me according to my righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands he has rewarded me.
Psalms 18:19-20, NIV
David knew that God would rescue Him and would bring him to a safe place despite the overwhelming situation he experienced. He knew that God would save him because he delighted in him. God saw his deeds and his heart. And he rewarded him because of his righteousness. This verse is a perfect reminder for us especially when feel like we are in an unknown battle.
When our hearts are troubled, and we can’t seem to find the way out, this verse is a powerful weapon against the negative voices in our heads. Just like David, we need to trust that God will rescue us and bring us to a safe place. He will stretch out His hands and give us the grace we need to overcome our circumstances. He will never leave us alone.
God honors our hearts and the things that we do right in His eyes. He delights in us, which means that He loves and treasures us. We may find it hard to believe this, especially when we can’t feel His presence, but just like David did, let’s choose to keep our faith in Him. Let’s remind ourselves that the Lord will reward us in the end.
Don’t dwell too much on the negative things you experienced. When you are bombarded by problems and feel exhausted, remember that Jesus will save you. He will bring you to a safe place where you will receive His peace and comfort.
Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for saving us. Thank you for sending your help especially when we are fighting battles that we can’t see. We pray that you will continue to give us the faith that will lead us to complete transformation. May you teach us how to trust in your ways and believe in your promises. Give us a heart like David that’s always willing to depend on your goodness and power. This we ask, and pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.