God will give you strength to go through problems, not just answers
The answers to your prayers are not the only things that will help you through life. Desiring relief is satisfactory, but you cannot ignore the fact that you must go through unexpected moments. But know that the challenges are not there to punish you. It is there to help you build strength and grow. It’s not really about the problem, but it’s about how you handle it. Before you encounter that obstacle, God has already orchestrated something in you that will help you. He knows that you can do it because He is your maker. Sometimes, you can’t help but focus on your weaknesses. But know that it’s normal. It’s through our weaknesses that our strength is built and revealed.
Most of the time, you will think that you can’t stand up for yourself. You can’t help but overthink your problem, and you will end up doubting yourself if what is with you is really for you to overcome. You may challenge yourself, ‘ what if I can’t do it?’ but also consider, ‘what if I can?’. In every situation, expand the possibilities of the outcome because you are not alone in that journey. Realize that you are not the only one going through everything; He is also with you. You are living with a God who does not only orchestrate things in one’s life but also a God who accompanies and helps. You can’t do it alone, but the One with you can. You may think of it as impossible, but He can do all things.
We all have our limitations, but the God we serve has wisdom no one can fathom. So instead of focusing on what you can and the answers, just ask Him for strength and courage. That way, it will give you something to hold on to for the rest of your life. It will teach you faith and make you understand how trusting God works. It will not just make you believe in His ways but also make you think that He is faithful and good.
See things on their good side, and you will look at life differently. It is not the problem but how we handle and feel toward them. It is not because you can’t overcome them but because you need to learn how to manage them. Problems exist because that is how life works. But the good thing is that God will always teach you along the way. All you have to do is bring yourself to Him. Present your heart and mind in His presence. Then, you will see things God has meant to communicate with you.
Prayer is powerful and the One who hears your prayers loves you and cares about you more than anyone can. He will not just answer your prayers, but He can do more than that. He will provide you strength and courage. Your journey of trusting and having faith is more important than overcoming a problem.