
God Will Give You The Strength To Love The People Around You

Loving imperfect and broken people is not easy. It takes a lot of patience and understanding. It takes grace and forgiveness. But even though it’s hard, God will be there to help you. He will never put that burden in your heart to love someone if He won’t give you the strength to do it.

Sometimes, we rely on our own efforts, thinking that we can do it ourselves, but later on, we realize that we are also broken and in pain. Just like the people we want to love, we are also going through difficult times. This is the reason why we badly need His help.

We need His grace to strengthen us, especially in moments of pain. We need His assurance and love in times of doubt and storms. God will empower us to love others even in times of brokenness. That’s how amazing and powerful He is.

Imagine that He will give us the ability to care for others even if we are also dealing with our own traumas and painful pasts. It’s Him who will teach us how to genuinely give our best even in moments of unexpected circumstances. He will lead us to serve others even when we are wounded. That’s how wonderful His love is.

So, if you feel like you are carrying a heavy responsibility or burden right now, and it seems like you are not ready for it, then believe with all your heart that God will sustain you. He will never lead you to do something without His guidance. If, by chance, He is calling you to a bigger purpose, then trust that He will be there even if you feel unworthy.

God will move despite all your weaknesses. He will prove to you that with Him, anything is possible. He will show you who He truly is. Wait and see. God will let you experience a miracle that you will soon testify to His people.