
God Will Glorify His Name In My Weaknesses That’s Why I’m Glad That I Am Weak

I know in myself that there are a lot of things that I can’t do. I have fears, and I’m scared to make changes in my life most of the time. Before, I thought that having my own weaknesses is not a good thing. But when God showed me who He truly is in my life, I begin to appreciate all the flaws that I have. Simply because that’s the perfect opportunity for God to move. He led me to explore a lot of possibilities. He gave me the strength to try things that I never did before. And because of Him, I realized that I also feel glad deep within every time I feel weak. Because I know for sure that God will move and He will perform miracles.

I do boast in my weaknesses. People may say that it is something that you shouldn’t be proud of, but in my experience, it really made me feel secure all the time. I don’t know how God did it, but when I can’t seem to think of ways on how to solve my problems, He is always there to remind me that His grace is always sufficient for all my needs. When I know that I don’t have enough skills, God will then provide me with resources to learn new things. When I don’t know where to start, God will often use His word to guide me on the right path. Whenever I feel so weak inside, my dear loving Father never fails to comfort and give me strength. His ways are so evident every time I lack the courage to take the next step. This is why I always love to spend my days with Him, especially when I feel so broken.

God taught me how to stay dependent on His presence. He taught me how to call upon His name every time I needed help. And because of the things that I can’t do, I realized that God is also teaching me how to be humble. He wants me to acknowledge Him as the source of everything. All my accomplishments come from Him. God provided everything for me. He equips me through my problems, and He gives me countless favor and opportunities.

The only reason why I survive the challenges of this life is because of Him.  He simply deserves everything. The more I see my weaknesses, the more I realized that He is just bringing glory to His name. His grace never fails to rescue me. And if He was able to do it in my life, then He will perform miracles in your life too. Learn to appreciate your weaknesses, and you will enjoy a lot of powerful moments with God.