God will help you heal the deepest wound in your heart
Pain is part of this life. It;s a chance to draw yourself nearer to the presence of the Father. He knows when and how your heart got broken. He also knows the kind of healing that you need. How your life turned out to be what it is now happens for many reasons. But there will be moments when your life’s events hold no clear explanations. Sometimes, it would confuse you.. It would sometimes disappoint you as you become so eager to meet answers to your questions. But know that God understands everything that you are going through. He understands your pain better than anyone. Although He does not give you all the reasons behind it, He will never hold back His goodness in your life.
A lot of your life’s questions will be left unanswered. Sometimes, He would give you your needs rather than just finding solutions immediately.He wants to emphasize the process. God understands how you long for certain explanations. Why things happen the way they are and how they happened to be like that. However, remember that He knows what you need at the moment. Do not hurry on things that need process and time to happen. Sometimes, you need to be in that moment rather than just unfolding it right away.
Brokenness never felt so comfortable. It is one of those feelings you want to get away from immediately. God understands what you are feeling. He can also feel what you can handle, and He will show you mercy for it. Yet you should remember that how He will perform in your life will be most of the time in the most unexpected way. His lens is different from yours. He understands your longing, and he also knows what it feels like. He knows you way better than anyone and even yourself.
There will be times that you can’t help but blame anyone for what happened in your life. But take heart because God understands you. He knows how much you need Him and He will give you peace. Your situation, no matter how devastating it may look in people’s eyes, can always turn out to be an opportunity to see God’s goodness in your life. Because sometimes, you need darkness to see the light. Light without darkness will remain unrecognized.
Your life will be full of surprises. But within those things are the needs that the depth of your heart has been longing for. God knows what could quench your thirst. And sometimes that thirst looks unrecognizable for you and very visible to Him. That is why sometimes God allows the things in your life that don’t seem to make sense to you at first. But always remember and declare the goodness of God.
Remember that He loves you more and more every day. His ways are mysterious. So, instead of always looking for answers, pray and ask God how those situations can speak to you. Ask for His healing and teachings. Let Him reveal to you how your life can also become a testimony. Feel and declare His love. Long for His presence and be satisfied with His ways.