God will Help you to Sow the Seed that He has given you
Prayers are not always answered according to your ways. God uses different methods to get through you and the same in teaching you. He knows what you need and want. Your prayers are never wasted, but you must remember that faith sometimes needs to be done differently. When you have faith in Him, it does not mean that everything your mouth utters will be done accordingly. But it will be according to how God knows you.
Sometimes, He will give you a tiny seed to nurture. A seed that He already planted in you. He blessed you with it all this time, and He knows how you can take good care of it. That seed within you can grow enormously to bless you and those that God wants to bless.
You have what it takes to go through the process God has allowed you to be. He blessed you with talents. However, there are things that you cannot do yet, for it needs to be awakened inside you. You still need to go through a learning process. A process of breaking and creating moments that God has prepared for you. When you have to learn new things, you would sometimes unlearn the old ones. It is because what helped you back then can no longer be applied to your present.
Remember that as days go by, you are progressing and changing. The same goes for your needs. However, the process may not always feel comfortable, but trust and believe you will never be alone. It could make you go through a hard path, but God knows you can do it because He made you for it. You are able. There’s nothing that He has allowed in your life that you cannot conquer.
God will help you to tend and nurture the seed that He gave. Allow yourself to be obedient to Him. Always read His word and be reminded of it. Thirst yourself always with His presence and hunger for more of His love. Seek the things that last forever, and let that be your treasure. A treasure that will help you work on what you have. It is okay to get discouraged when it feels like nothing is happening. But continue working because you don’t know what is ahead. God has prepared more extraordinary things for you, and let that remind you whenever you would lose sight of doing what must be done.
Tend and take care of your seed. It may look little for now, but it will give you shade in the future. It will protect you from enemies’ lies, for it will remind you of God’s greatness in your life. Remember, those big things were once small. Great efforts started with an idea. Wise people started with just courage to learn. You are surrounded by things that started small. And look around, see how God takes care of them to grow big and strong. That same goes for you. So do not be afraid to nurture what you have. It may be small, but God is with you to take care of it. Focus on His great love. Turn away from the lies that will pull you behind. You are able, and you can do it because God is with you.