The Life Of Those Who Do Wrong Were Like The Grass That Will Soon Wither
Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong; for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away.
Psalm 37: 1-2, NIV
There are instances in life when we envy those who do wrong. We wonder why they receive so many blessings while we are trying to do the right thing and end up receiving little. This kind of feeling is so common nowadays. People focus on the ill-gotten wealth that others acquire, and it seems like there’s no justice for those affected.
We can’t help but wonder if God is still moving in the midst. We tend to question His ways as if He was not doing anything. But then, David reminded us this beautiful passage: the life of those who do wrong were like the grass that will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away.
So, let’s not be envious of the things that they acquire. Their lives may appear comfortable and happy, but they won’t last that long. They may enjoy the bad things and their instant wealth at the moment, but soon, God will let them reap the painful consequences.
Instead of focusing on the good things that they received, try to set your eyes on the heavenly treasures that God prepared for those who did what’s right. Continue to become a vessel in building God’s Kingdom and focus on the blessings He already provided for you.
Lastly, choose to pray for those people who delight in doing what’s wrong. Lift them up to the Lord and surrender the frustrations or disappointments that you feel towards them. Allow God’s hands to take over. Pray that He will change their hearts and renew their minds. Ask God to teach you how to love and respect them despite what they did.
Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for giving us this beautiful assurance. Thank you for reminding us not to focus on the good things that bad people receive. Please guide us Lord, that we may have a humble heart to also pray and love them. Teach us how to respect them despite the bad things that they did. Renew our minds, that we may follow your ways, and focus on your love. This we ask, in Jesus’ name, we pray, amen.