God will listen to the Things that you cannot tell to Anybody
People have their own secrets that they cannot share. Most of the time, these secrets are hidden in a person’s deepest heart. They cannot expose it for fear of being vulnerable in the presence of others. It is not harmful to have secrets. But sometimes, these things are also the reason why moving on is so hard to do. There are secrets that all of us hide to protect ourselves. It can be something that has been affecting our relationships. The danger is that it can channel its deep emotions into our daily lives, which may affect how we live. It is like a wound that has been unhealed from the past and the pain still lingers in the present.
Having secrets is not bad, but it is not good to stuff it all in you. All the things you keep hiding will reveal themselves in the light. Worse, it will channel itself and devour good things that you have in your life. It can also be the source of being triggered and causing you to do acts you never intended to do in the first place. However, you have the choice to get healed. These secrets you have can be the breakthroughs you have been waiting for.
It may not feel safe to share those hidden things to others, but there is always someone who is willing and ready to listen. God will always be your constant listener. He will listen to the pain and hurt that you have. You can show and tell Him the scars and wounds that are still hurting you in the present. He will not judge you for the mistakes that you make. Instead, He is eager to hear all the things you want to tell Him.
You are safe in the presence of the one who made you. Yes, God knows what you have in your heart, and nobody knows you better than Him, but remember that He is also a God that listens. He is waiting for you to release it through your mouth because He will never force you to say something you are not ready for. He wants you to realize the things that you have to do. It is because only then will you recognize the importance of it.
You need to give yourself the healing you need. It is essential to realize that you need help and that not every problem in your life only needs time to heal. God cannot mend your broken heart if you don’t surrender it to Him. Healing can only happen once you accept and do the process.
God does not only listen, but He also provides comfort and peace. You may not see Him, but He is everywhere. Know that He is there wherever you are. You just have to open your mouth. Let your mouth talk about the things the hearts have longed to tell. He listens, and He will embrace you. He accepts and understands your flaws. But, he can also show you more extraordinary things than your pain.