
God will never Abandon you

People will leave you. Sometimes, they will break your heart, but God will not do such a thing. He will never abandon you. There may be times when you can’t feel His presence, but the truth is, He is always there. His grace will continue to sustain you even in moments when you feel so lost and empty. Trust Him and not the people around you. Remember that they are not perfect. You may not see it in your own eyes, but your loved ones are also going through battles inside. So instead of expecting them to fill the emptiness in your heart, come to God and let Him make you feel whole. His perfect love will heal your wounds.

You will never know the miracles that He can do, not unless you come to Him and allow Him to move in your life. Open your heart so that He can reign and transform you from the inside out. Jesus is your living water. In Him, you will never run dry. He will continue to fill your heart with His amazing love. Rely on Him, and you will feel protected.

Trust God’s love first before you trust someone else. If you are not rooted in the right foundation, this world can easily distract and destroy you. So don’t anchor yourself on things that will quickly fade away, such as the love of mere humans. Know that they are not perfect. One way or another, they will unknowingly do things that will disappoint you. That’s why you need to fix your eyes on Jesus. And remember His great love.

 Seek your comfort in His arms, and you will never be dismayed. Submit all your expectations upon Him, and He will align your thoughts to His perspective. God’s love will give you enough courage to keep going even in moments when you feel. He will sustain your heart and make it new. Put Him first. Love Him above all else, and you will learn to serve the people around you despite the things they did. If you are deeply rooted in God’s love, then their actions can’t easily break your heart.

Remember that you are not an orphan. Maybe you feel so lost because it seems like people are abandoning you, but God is your Father. He never leaves your side. Treat yourself as His child, and you will feel His never-ending love. When you can’t find your way back home, call upon His name, and He will be there.

He is listening to your cries. Allow Him to perform miracles in your life, and you will never feel alone. Remember what He said in Psalms 23. He is your shepherd. In Him, you can find peace and rest. In Him, you will stay secured and protected. Let Him carry you in His arms, and you will regain your strength. Your Father will pick you up when you fall down. He will embrace you when you are in pain. So do not treat yourself as someone who is not part of a family. You belong to God, and He is your family.

Jesus redeemed you for a price. He sacrificed Himself on the cross so that you will have the chance to spend eternity with Him. He took the blame and carried all your sins so that you would learn to trust Him. When you forget who you truly are in the eyes of God, go to the cross and remind yourself of the sacrifice that He offered for you. Let His blood prove to you that His love is greater than the emptiness and pain you feel inside. Embrace the kind of love and forgiveness that Jesus showed on the Calvary, and you will feel so connected to Him.