God will never give you an Answered Prayer that will Destroy your Life in the end
God answers prayers in different ways. But don’t worry. He will never give you something that will destroy your life in the end. He knows what you need, so trust in His power. When you feel so confused about what He is doing, keep praying and know that He wants the best for you. Follow His voice and study His word so that you will be guided. Sometimes, answered prayers are wrapped in ways you never expect. When that happens, just be patient and know that God is doing something behind the scene. He loves you so much. And even if He gave you the freedom to choose. Still, He will always be there to guide you in the right direction,
Have faith! The opportunities around you are there to strengthen your decision-making skills. So if you feel so confused about the best thing you should do, then choose to trust in His love and goodness. Know that His blessings for you are greater than what you can perceive. Don’t forget that God is the source of all the good things you receive in life. He will be there to help you. Surrender all your worries and cares, and let Him direct you to His perfect plans. He will give you the favor that you need. At the end of the day, what’s meant for you will always be for you.
God desires to give you the best things in life. So if you think that He answers your prayers in different ways, then know that He wants to teach you something important in this season. Just abide in His ways and never make decisions on your own. Seek guidance and trust in the still small voice that you hear inside your heart. He is speaking to you right now. It’s just sometimes, you can’t hear Him because your doubts and worries are greater than your faith. He will never abandon you, so hold His hands and never let go.
God knows what He is doing. He is very intentional. It means that He moves according to His will and purpose. He planned everything, and He determines the lessons that you need to learn. So never rely on your own understanding. God’s answered prayers will always bless you in the end. They will lead you closer to Him. So stop doubting in His goodness and choose to increase your faith.

I like the word of GOD
Norma Ojeda Fortis
At this moment of my life, that is all I need to know. Thank You sweet Jesus.