God Will Not Force You, But He Will Continue To Guide You
Our heavenly Father will never treat us like a robot. He gave us the gift of free will. That’s why He doesn’t want to force things. He will wait for us to decide. But even if sometimes, we tend to neglect His instructions, He will continue to guide us. Because no matter what happens, He will always love us despite our mistakes and sins. So every time you pray for something to happen, try to check your heart if you are also willing to follow His ways. There are moments when God already wanted to give the desires of our hearts, but at the end of the day, we are not yet ready to receive it.
Sometimes, God will not literally tell you what He wanted you to do. Instead, He will work in your life in ways you will never expect. He will use your experiences or the situation around you to lead and guide you. But still, you need to respond to His ways and be willing enough to follow. God will always do good and great things in your life, and He is always teaching you. But the question is, are you ready to accept the things that God wants you to do?
We share with God the desires of our hearts, but sometimes, we are not willing to listen and obey His words. That’s why we unknowingly do things that are very far from His will. We follow our own desires and do the things that give us pleasure. But even though we tend to forget His goodness, God will still continue to guide us until we are ready to follow Him. He will be waiting for us until we learn to obey Him.
It’s a matter of choice. We need to choose to follow God every day. Our Christian life doesn’t stop the moment we are done praying. Live as if God is within you. Remember Him in everything that you do. Open your heart for His love so that you will also learn to follow His ways. God will not force you to love and follow Him. That choice will always be yours.
He will remain faithful to you. His grace will always rescue you. Even if how messed-up your life is, God will always be there for you. He will redeem you from the wrong choices you made in your life. But still, you need to trust Him and choose His love over your fears.