
God Will Not Grow Tired And Weary

Even if you feel so down inside
Even if you wanted to give up
God will never stop doing good things in your life

Our Heavenly Father is not like us
We may fall short of His glory
We may commit mistakes
But He is always perfect in all His ways
He never changes

God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow
And no matter what you do
He will stay faithful to you
So if you feel so tired of your situation
Then always remember
that God will never feel the same way
He will never get tired of helping you

So do not stop
Never give up
You may fall but choose to stand up
Because God will never give you up
He will keep on loving you
Until you will realize that
you are His beloved child

He will be your strength
He will be your armor
He will protect you
So keep on pushing forward

Your hardships will never be in vain
You can always rest in the arms of God
God is so patient with you
He wants you to know Him
And spend the rest of your life with Him

God is powerful enough to fight for you
He will always be there
He will wait
He will stay beside you
Until you learn to accept
His great and amazing love

One Comment

  • Elija tamang

    Amen thankyou so much for your encouraging words. I am a student and recently i have done my admission in Bangalore college hoping that educational loan would help me to do my 3 years course but at the end moment my loan is not being processed please do pray for me and my financial problem.