God will provide you Strength
Sometimes, you cannot avoid but compare yourself to others, like how they do well in their work and find joy in the moment. Each of us has our own way of writing our own story. You must remember that God also blessed you with the same thing that others have. You have the time and the choice. The time to make the most of what you have and what you can. The option to choose which one to do to maximize and use your time well. Remember, nothing will happen if you keep your feet still to where you are right now. It is good to wait when God makes you do so, but never stop moving. Continue to learn new things and keep pushing and taking risks until you know enough to go through in any walk of life.
God will always provide what you need. You are not lacking anything. You just have to learn how to figure out how to use what you have. Remember that He will give you favor as long as you keep moving forward. Sometimes, it is hard to believe He is moving in your life, for you can’t identify the changes. But think and believe that behind what you see is a God who already knows what’s ahead. He is constantly moving, and maybe, within you, lays the change that He wants you to learn in that particular walk of your life. You don’t have to figure out everything at once. You just have to keep moving forward and keep on learning in life.
Your life is not a race. Other people also struggle. Each person has their own stories of how they go through a difficult phase in their life. Not everything you see that is good did not undergo such a phase. All people do. That goes the same for you. Instead of being jealous of them, use that force to motivate them. Learn what they learn and make it your stepping stone for your next endeavor in life. Do not worry about taking risks. It will be your way of learning more things. Do not be too afraid of meeting new people, for they can teach you lessons that will become your treasure.
As you walk through life, always remember that you are not just discovering things that are for you but also how God will walk with you. You will see more of His glory as you keep on moving. He will teach you things and lessons that are way more valuable than anything you have. You will learn more about yourself and how you would handle and understand other people. You will have a difficult time, especially when you still need to adjust to the changes that you have to make. But remember that you are not doing it alone, for He is with you.
God will never hold back His blessings. As you walk with Him, you will discover more of His glory. You will learn how to decide and choose things for yourself. You will learn to love yourself more. He will always be there for you. As your life gets heavier, make God more visible in your life. Let Him lead you all the way to experience more of His glory.

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Thank you very much I appreciate this email. God bless