God will put you in a place Where you will Discover your True Potential
Don’t be surprised if you feel like everything around you is new and unfamiliar. God is just leading you to the perfect place where you will discover who you truly are. So instead of complaining to Him and asking Him to change your situation. Why not try to make that the most of your resources and explore the possibilities around you. Behind the difficult season that you are in is an opportunity to figure out your true potential. Do your best, and do it not just for yourself but to please God. Look at the blessings around you and pray for wisdom that He may teach you how to properly manage everything He gave.
Be patient and allow God to guide you. Trust in His ways, and don’t be afraid. He knows what He is doing. He will never ask you to do something without a purpose. He sees your strengths, and He wants you to discover them. So if you can’t understand what’s going on in your life, then choose to keep your faith. Believe in His promises even if you are surrounded by unexpected challenges. Just do the right thing and imagine that in every problem you overcome, you are also growing from the inside. One day, you will realize why you need to go through difficult seasons.
You will only discover your potential if you step outside your comfort zone. It may feel so scary, but let God be the source of your strength. It’s the best way for you to reach the desires that He planted in your heart. So instead of finding ways on how to escape, fix your eyes on God. And He will push you to move forward. In Him, you will have the courage to face every obstacle that comes your way. Just don’t depend on your own knowledge and understanding. Choose to rely on His great love for you, and you will always be safe. Put your hope in His power. Keep doing the things that bring glory to His name.
Remember that you are more than who you think you are. God created you for a purpose. And He gave you gifts, talents, and abilities that you are meant to share with others. Don’t keep the blessings on your own. Be a vessel of His love and keep giving what you have. When you know your identity in the Lord, you will never lack anything, and you will have the confidence to share whatever it is that He has given you.