God will save you from Deeper Pain
God will sometimes close some doors in your life to lead you into the new one. You will sometimes feel like rejecting it and want to return to how things used to be. It may be because the past becomes your comfort, and you feel like you are doing well in it already. Uncertainties make you tremble. However, it will be hard to see new doors when you won’t close old ones. Sometimes, you won’t know how things could get worse not until you step out of it.
That is why God will intervene and save you from it. It may look like rejection or an unnecessary involvement that requires pain. It may hurt at first, but one day you will realize why God did it.
He wants to reveal His glory in your life by welcoming you to new doors and opportunities. Surrender your everything now and let Him handle them. It may be hard sometimes, and you will feel like you could have done more, but know that God has plans for you. When you feel so helpless, that will be the time that He will become more visible in your life. Accept His opportunities; one day, you will understand why God chose a different place for you. He will show you why you need to go through heartbreaks and rejections. He will soon reveal to you His reasons behind those events in your life.
Thank God for closed doors. He is saving you from more tremendous pain that may have worsened the situation. He saved you from something and redirected you into His plans. Always remember, God could not only lead you to new doors, but He could actually make new ones. He creates opportunities, and He will give you chances for them. So ask for His ways and always welcome His knowledge. Let Him lead you to the right doors that are meant for you. He knows the way, and He always knows what He is doing. So trust and believe in Him even if you don’t understand why some chapters in your life seem to end devastatingly. It may have ended with heartbreak, but remember that He is just saving you from greater pain.
God is leading you to a path He prepared for you. A way full of lessons will help you grow your perspective and faith in Him. There’s more that He prepared for you. So don’t weaken your confidence. Instead, offer it to Him and wait for His ways to happen. Just take every final chapter of your life as an opportunity to welcome new ones. God will do so much more, so just hang on there and continue to walk in faith.

One Comment
Jen Halderman
Such beautiful and inspirational stories