His Word

God Will Send His Help

Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell. He struck Peter on the side and woke him up. “Quick, get up!” he said, and the chains fell off Peter’s wrists.

Acts 12:7,NIV

Peter was arrested and put into prison when he experienced this supernatural moment. Who would have thought that an angel would appear and help him? This is one of the stories in the Bible that reminds us that God can do the impossible. He rescued Peter from death. He commanded His angels to help and guide Peter on his way out. At the same time, the church also prayed for him. Imagine, God was doing something behind the scenes while the church was praying.

Let this verse instill in us the courage to place our trust in God, even in the face of life’s most daunting challenges. We may not have control over our circumstances, but what truly matters is that God is always there, ready to lend His support. Even in the darkest of times, His light will guide our path. He will shower us with His favor and fill our hearts with hope, just as He did for Peter.

 Therefore, if you find yourself in a life-threatening situation, hold onto this message. God will come to your rescue. It may feel like He is distant, His presence unfelt, but rest assured, He is working behind the scenes, ready to send His blessings and favors to sustain and propel you forward. Continue to pray to Him, and you will witness miracles unfolding in your life. Remember, God’s love for you is boundless, and He has magnificent plans in store for you.

Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for reminding us to trust in you despite the challenges we face. Thank you for your unfailing grace. We pray that you will give us the faith to depend on your ways. We pray for courage and peace so that we may continue to walk in your presence no matter what it takes. Be glorified in our lives, Lord. This we ask. In Jesus’ name, we pray, amen.