God will Sometimes Teach you Essential things Through other People
There is wonder in meeting people in your life. You will learn a lot from them. Not just by how they treated you but also through their character, personality, treatment, life stories, and testimonies. There are people whose lives will also be a way of changing your perspective in life. There will be people who will teach you how to strengthen your faith amidst uncertainties and people who will teach you how to acquire strength in moments of adversity. Remember that you might sometimes want to separate yourself from the rest, but also welcome the thought that they could be a way to change your life. Different people will teach you a lot of other things in life. Their existence is not just there for you to avoid them. Because sometimes, deep within a person, his real story will teach you things no one else can.
There will be people who will teach you how to hold on to your faith. Such people will challenge you to let go of what you believe in. There will be people who will shake your core and trigger you to expose your vulnerability in the wrong way. There will be people who will challenge your patience and take advantage of your good nature. However, as much as you want to treat them the same, have a space in your heart where you can store the lessons that you will learn from them. It is not for you to determine what’s good and what isn’t in a person but to know how to work on yourself. Sometimes, unexpected or painful interactions with people will teach you how to stand up for yourself and what you believe in. It is not just to protect what you have but to treasure what you learn.
Lessons are not always revealed through painful experiences. A lot of them are also in joyful and heartfelt encounters. You will meet people whose love and heart are immeasurable. People who know how to appreciate and be grateful for everything they have in their life. There will be people who almost have nothing and cling to what’s left in them and still make the most peace in their lives. Those people who are fun to be with, people from different walks of life, will also teach you how to view yourself. Some are always driven by their purpose and remain faithful in the middle of difficulties in life. You can also learn from people who stay strong and courageous even if they feel like they are crumbling down.
People in your life will teach you different things not just through their words but most of the time through their actions. There will be people who will help you stand on your feet even without knowing it. You may have also become someone else’s role model without realizing it. This life is not just full of heartaches and pain but also showered with priceless encounters. It is full of lessons that are revealed through other people. That is why, rather than avoiding them, just learn from them. Learn from someone’s mistakes and how they live their life. Don’t judge them but learn from them. Then, you will start to see your life and yourself differently.