God will Surprise you in Ways you can Never Imagine
God is working even in the midst of storms and problems. You may not feel His presence, but He is there. He is giving you the grace you didn’t even deserve. He prepared surprises that will make you realize who He truly is. So don’t make any conclusions yet. There are still a lot of things that will happen. Your life may appear the same, but the truth is, behind every difficulty that you experience is a chance for you to see real transformation in your life. You always have a choice, but the weird thing is even if you take the wrong path, God will still lead you back on track. He will surprise you with certain events that will help you realize that the road you are taking will lead you to heartaches and, eventually, death. God is just gracious that He points out the mistakes and then helps you stand again.
So wait for His plans to be fulfilled. Don’t be in a hurry. Sometimes, we become too impatient when things don’t go according to our plans. We tend to label God as someone who doesn’t care for us. But the truth is there are certain blessings in life that will turn out as a curse if they are not properly handled and managed. So instead of giving those blessings according to our own timing, God waits until we are mature enough to steward the great things that He prepared. He is patient enough to walk with us along the journey even if, most of the time, He consistently hears our complaints. God is still willing to guide us despite all our imperfections.
Let God take you to an amazing journey. Walk and patiently abide in His ways. Things will be better along the way. At first, you will find it so uncomfortable because He will ask you to do things you don’t like. He will lead you to certain seasons that will help you feel helpless and broken. You will somehow doubt if He is still there, but just keep going. Remember that God never commits mistakes. Maybe some of those hardships are just consequences of your choices, and you mistakenly blame God for them. But even if you acted immaturely, still God is so much willing to walk with you and provide you with blessings that are greater than what you deserve.
One day, you will realize that God loves you so much. He will open the eyes of your heart so that you will see the miracles that He provided for you. He will take you on an adventure where you will receive so many surprises from Him. He will fill your heart with love, and that will eventually give you the courage to face the pain of the past. Know that God is working. He never sleeps. In fact, He is always there – providing you with everything you need.