
God Will Sustain You

The grace of God is always enough. You may think that you can’t take it anymore, but always remember that God will sustain you. He has been so faithful in your life. If He was able to bless you with many things before, then He will surely provide for your needs right now. Do not worry. God loves you so much to abandon you.  Stop looking at the things that you don’t have. You are already surrounded by enough resources. All you have to do is to make use of it. God will guide you along the way, so keep your hopes up.

You will never feel empty in the presence of God. His love will take away the worries and fears you feel inside. He will replace it with gladness and faith. Maybe your mind is just full of negative thoughts, that’s why you feel so anxious about your future. Just remember the promises of God. Fill your thoughts with His word so that you will never forget His goodness. Choose to worship God even in the midst of storms. Be still and know that He will protect you along the journey. He is your creator. And He already prepared everything even before you are born. You are destined to experience the fullness of this life. It may be hard for you to believe it because what you’ve been through right now is very far from His promises. But keep on walking and do not stop.

Set your eyes on God, and do not focus on your own strength. Maybe you feel so weak because you are just looking at the things that you can’t do. Allow God to move in the midst and surrender to Him all your worries. Seek His kingdom, and everything else will follow.  Your Heavenly Father knows what you truly need. He is listening to the cries of your heart, so never stop praying.

God will give you enough courage each day. You can never make it on your own. You need Him in your life. God purposely created a day so that you will learn to rest and sleep. And when you wake up, believe that He already prepared enough blessings to sustain you for today. Stop thinking about what you will eat or drink for tomorrow. God will take good care of you. Just learn to be satisfied with what you have, and you will receive even greater things in life.

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