
God Will Take Away All The Fears You Feel Inside

Maybe you are scared about your future
Or you don’t know what to do next
Maybe you are afraid to feel the pain again
That’s why you tried to make some boundaries

Maybe you stopped dreaming
Because you are scared to commit mistakes
But God will take it all away
He will give you enough courage
to overcome the fear inside

You are not meant to live that kind of life
He wants you to encounter His great love
So that you will experience victories
And His love in your heart will defeat the forces of the enemies

You need to let go of the fear
Because it will stop you from experiencing breakthroughs
It will hinder you from achieving
the things that God destined for you

You need to let go of the fear
Because it will stop you from experiencing breakthroughs
It will hinder you from achieving
the things that God destined for you

If Jesus is within your heart,
You will feel pain,
but you will always have the courage to move
Not because of your own strength
But because the love of God is within you

He prepared a wonderful future for you
But you will never experience it
not until you let go of the pain
There is fear because of pain
That’s why it’s very important to let go
and allow God the heal you

A healed heart doesn’t mean you will never experience pain
This world is full of broken people
And no matter what you do,
the pain will always test you

But as long as you choose to believe in the love of God
Fear can never control your life
As long as you allow Jesus to reign in your heart
Your faith will always be greater than your fears

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