God Will Take You To A Season Where You Can Be Alone With Him
There are certain moments in life when you feel so alone. It’s when you face so many problems, and you are longing for your friends’ company, but they are nowhere to be found. You think that you are taken for granted, but then God will allow you to go through a season where you can intimately spend time with Him. This is the moment when He wants you to depend on Him more than you rely on your family or friends. You may feel pain within but believe with all your heart that God is taking you to the place where you will grow and become a better person. After this season is a new version of yourself. And the things that you will learn will lead you to experience breakthroughs in life.
This season will teach you how to depend on God even more. You will no longer ask for someone else to comfort and love you because God himself will touch your heart. He will fill you with His love so that you will realize that you only need Him in your life. Yes, your family and friends can travel with you along the journey but know that they are not perfect. One way or another, they also need to deal with the things that are going on in their lives. That’s why there are moments when they can’t just simply offer their time to you. This is the reason why you should only rely on God because He alone can comfort your lonely heart.
The brokenness you feel inside will lead you closer to the arms of God. He will teach you how to open your heart so that He can move and heal all your wounds. You may think that you can’t make it, but after this storm is a new beginning. Your perspectives will be renewed, and you will be empowered to do things according to the will of God. You will stop relying on other people because you finally experienced what it feels like to fully depend on Him. Just remember that everything that He is doing is for your own good.
Your relationship with God will never be the same again. You will receive more of His love, and you will stop looking for things that will satisfy your heart. This is actually a life-changing moment because, after this, you will see things differently. He will be your source of strength, and you will feel His presence everywhere you go. Other people can no longer control you because you choose to listen to the One who truly loves you from the inside out.