God will teach you how to get through with the Giants in your life
There will always be a thing that you will perceive as bigger than you are. Things such as problems, anxieties, doubts, and the future. They can shake your core. They can worsen your fears and doubts. It could even make you decide to do something that would be harmful to your own self. They can make you think if you still have to go on or stop doing what you started.
Your life here on earth will not always be comfortable. There’ll be days when your faith will be tested. However, the process will be promising if you just hold on and believe in yourself and the One who is the greatest. Your giants may be significant, but you have someone in you who is the greatest. The One that is untamed and who never loses a battle. The God of your life who is always there beside you will never leave you no matter what happens.
Your giants are signs that you need God in your life. Every time you feel alone, remember that it is just the situation that makes you feel that way. You really could not avoid feeling worried and sad. That is because humans are designed that way. But feeling all those is not bad at all. Sometimes, you must acknowledge even those feelings cringe on you to understand yourself better. Remember, you cannot mend something you can’t face. Be honest with yourself because that’s when you will realize more of God’s greatness in your life. You will see how His hands will move in your life and perceive and understand blessings differently.
God will not just defeat your giants, but He will teach you how you can beat them. He will teach you that you are more significant than your fear. He will make you realize that you deserve the things that He prepared for you. Your giants are just passing things that are there to teach you lessons. They are just instruments that will help you realize that you can defeat the battles in your life.
Victories are not those that are dominated by the naked eye but more of those that are unseen. Rely on your victories in Him who already won the battles for you. Let Him show you how mighty His ways are. You are made with His love and favor. There will be stories and testimonies of God’s greatness in one’s life through you.
You are serving a God bigger than any giants. You have to remember that your life itself is His gift for you. The One that makes your life possible is the most powerful. So, rest in His promise that He will help you all throughout. Settle in the thought that He can provide you more incredible things than this world can offer. You are molded with His love. You can defeat your enemies. You can overcome the chaos within your mind. You will experience healing, and your pain will find its cure. Your giants will be defeated, and God will be exalted in your life.