
God will use the Broken Part of your Heart as a Pathway of His light

The pain inside will never be in vain. God will never allow you to go through brokenness season if He has no purpose for it. He will use the broken part as a pathway of His light. And through the scars that you have in your heart, people will realize that there is still hope. Your testimony will serve as a bright light that will guide them out of the darkness. You never really know the great plans that God prepared for you. So instead of doubting His love, especially in this most difficult moment of your life, just know that better days are coming. He will use what you experience to bless someone’s heart. It may be hard to comprehend His plans, but He never wastes all your tears.

God can turn the deepest wound of your heart into a blessing.  He can transform your pain into a testimony that will change someone’s perspective. Through your story, His light will shine in the lives of those who also go through the same dark seasons that you experienced. It will serve as a glimpse of hope that people can hold on to. Do not give up. Keep walking not just for your own sake but also for those who go through the same pain. If you victoriously overcome this season, then you will be able to show to a wounded person that there’s nothing impossible for our God.

Your heart may be broken, but that’s how you will be able to effectively connect with others. The pain is like a vessel that will help you reach out to those people who walked away from God. Your stories are like a magnet to those broken people who badly need healing. You may not see the true value of the scars you have inside, but when the time is right, God will show you how precious your heart is. It may no longer look the same because of the brokenness you experienced, but it’s stronger than you think.

One day, you will thank Him for allowing you to go through the brokenness season. Yes, it’s not easy. But if God never let you feel so broken, then you will never know how important He is in your life. You grow in His presence because He remained so faithful even in moments when you are not okay. Your faith is never the same because you allowed God to reign in your life even through the pain. And that is more than a reward. It’s a priceless treasure that you can carry with you even through eternity.