
God will Use your Life

David was tempted
to follow his selfish desires
He did a terrible sin in the eyes of God
Jacob tricked his brother Esau
And he lied to his father, Isaac

Elijah was afraid of the threat
that he received from Jezebel
He ran for his life
And went through the wilderness

Moses made excuses
when God wants to use him
God even assured him
But still, he felt inadequate

You see, the characters in the bible
reminds us about the goodness of God
He will never look at your flaws
Yes, He acknowledged the negative things
that you feel inside

But He knows your ability
because He created you
God looks at your heart
He will use you
not because of your sacrifices
But He knows that you can do it

He used people who also felt scared
He made His name known
to those who committed mistakes
He never looks at the wrong things that you did
God will perform miracles in your life

If you think that you are not enough
Then remember that God can still use what you have
Never depend on your own ability
When God calls you
Then it means that He will be with you
all along the way

He knows that you are not perfect
That’s why He wants you to trust Him
His plans for you are greater than
what your mind can perceive
Let Him perform miracles in your life
And He will use you to bless those people
who terribly need some help