
God will Walk with you Along the Healing Journey

You won’t carry the pain on your own. God will be with you. He will help you face the wounds in your heart. Let Him move. Allow Him to visit the deepest pain you have. Sometimes, it means that you will go back and deal with what happened. It won’t be easy. You will recall those moments when you first encounter that brokenness. You will remember the people involved, and God will ask you to surrender everything. The healing process takes time and some tears. But don’t worry. God will walk with you along the journey. He will never leave your side. He will give you the grace and strength that you need. Just call upon His name, and He will hold your hands. He will pick you up again and again.

Depend on God. Do not look at your weaknesses. You will only end up disappointed if you keep on focusing on yourself. Seek the love of God, and He will patiently guide you along the way. Have faith in His goodness. Just because He allowed you to experience pain doesn’t mean He no longer cares for you. Take this moment as your opportunity to spiritually grow. He is always willing to take you to a better place. But you need to trust in His ways. There will be days when you can’t understand the things that He is doing. Just stay faithful in those difficult seasons and be humble enough to accept His will.

Remember that your loving Father still has great plans for you. And you won’t be able to experience the fullness of His blessings if you aren’t fully healed. The pain inside will hinder you from receiving more of His miracles. You won’t be able to cherish His blessings if, deep inside, your heart is still bleeding. So let Him fix your wound first, and only then will you appreciate His amazing ways. God doesn’t want you to suffer. He wants to set you free from the bondages that keep you away from His love. But before He can do it, you need to surrender your heart first.

You will soon experience complete healing. You will live a life of freedom and joy. A time will come when you will no longer look back to the past and feel the pain again. God will open your eyes, and He will let you see the blessings around you. There is still hope. One day, you will no longer shed tears for the same reason. You will learn to let go and move forward. God’s grace will be with you. He will take you to the future that He prepared. Just hold his hands, especially in moments when you can’t understand what He is doing. Trust in His love, and you will overcome the pain.