God wrote a Powerful Love letter for you
You have a very faithful lover. He always wants you to stay connected to Him. That’s why even though you can’t see Him. He left something valuable for you. It is one of the ways where He can communicate to the people He loves the most. And that’s through His Word, the Bible.
It’s the only book where the author is madly in love with His readers. Many people say that reading the Bible is sometimes difficult. The first moment that you will read it, you will find yourself asking a lot of questions. Yes, it contains stories and narrations, but the best description of the Bible is, it’s a love letter for you.
You may not find it like a love letter at first, but the more you engage with it and the one who wrote it, you will slowly encounter His great love and amazing grace. It is a living book that will transform your life. It will give you a new perspective that will eventually change how you look at yourself and the people around you. You will know that somebody loves you so much and He will always find a way to help you through.
I never realized the importance of His word, not until the Holy Spirit became my greatest teacher. I thought I can just understand it on my own knowledge and ability to comprehend, but it’s very different if the Holy Spirit will be the one who will reveal great things for you. As written in Hebrews 4:12, God’s word is indeed sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. It’s one of God’s greatest gifts.
I hope that you will learn to read the Bible like a love letter. Your lover wants the best for you, and He wants to express His love for you through His words. I pray that one day you will realize how much he loves you. You will know that you are more than His child. But you are also His precious beloved.
If you happen to have His love letter with you right now, please don’t live the day without reading it. He will give you a lot of instructions and reminders. And the words that He will say will surely give you the strength to face the day. God will equip you through His word. Know that wherever you go, as long as it is written in your heart, it will never depart from you.

Liliane Viola Wisznirwski
Love that you expressed God’s love for us. Thank you letting me know God bless you and have a great day
Manjusha Dhruw
It’s amazing n so beautiful love letter from God….Hallelujah
Rita Mae Ramirez
I love these readings, they are so beautiful and powerful.
It’s a amazing experience, an amazing grace ro the beart and mind. Amen