God’s Discipline is always better than any Earthly Success
Will you choose to receive earthly wealth and end up broken inside? Or receive God’s discipline and gain treasures that you can take with you even through eternity? Sometimes we are too focused on getting temporary riches that we have already compromised our faith. We no longer honor the will of God and choose to live according to our desires. We tend to judge Him every time we carry the consequences of our mistakes, thinking that He no longer cares for us. But the truth is, He doesn’t want us to go astray. That’s why there will be days when we go through hardships, not to punish us but to realign us back to His purpose. The challenges and the wilderness seasons are necessary for our growth. We won’t appreciate it, especially when we are inside the situation. But one day, when we look back, we will thank God for allowing us to go through those unexpected circumstances.
God disciplines the people that He loves. Just like any earthly Father, He also wants His children to walk along the right path. We don’t know everything. We need to accept the truth that we are all learning. That’s why we need God to teach us what’s right and wrong. Sometimes, we already have an idea about the best thing to do, but we tend to follow our selfish desires rather than walk along the difficult path. The pleasures of this world appear so enticing to us that we no longer consider the will of God in making decisions. That’s why He needs to patiently allow us to carry the consequences of our choices. God will listen to our clamors and complaints. He won’t explain everything to us, but He will patiently lead us back to His arms.
If you are experiencing God’s discipline right now, then choose to stay with Him no matter what happens. Treat Him as your King and your Father. He allows you to face painful moments so that you will grow stronger in His arms. He wants to mold your character. It won’t be easy. Many times, you will feel in pain. Your tears will keep on flowing. But take heart! God knows what He is doing. That pain won’t kill you. In fact, it will transform you into a better person. Just trust in His ways even if you can’t understand Him. His grace will be there to sustain you.
God won’t harm you. In fact, all He wants is to save you from greater pain. He loves you enough to discipline you even if it hurts. So don’t walk away from His presence. God is doing the best thing that He can do. You may misinterpret His ways, but He will continue to love you despite your doubts and disbelief. He will still give you the things that you don’t deserve just to prove to you that you are loved and treasured. Everything that you experience right now, may it be painful or not, are all because of His unfailing grace.