
God’s Discipline is always worth the pain

You will cry. You’ll think of so many questions and what if’s. You’ll feel devastated, weary, hopeless, and tired. Things won’t turn the way you want them to be, but tell you, everything will be worth it in the end. When God disciplines His children, it means that He prepared great blessings that they can’t comprehend. So be patient and choose to do the right thing. Don’t allow your emotions to control your decisions.

Remember that there are really painful situations that you need to go through so that you’ll learn important lessons. Yes, it’s not easy, but one day, you will thank God for allowing you to experience those life-changing moments. You won’t appreciate His ways for now because maybe, you are so consumed with what you feel. But when you finally overcome that trial, you will realize that God never leaves your side. This is an opportunity for you to know more of His love. Take this as a gift and not just a problem or a challenge.

Be humble when God disciplines you. Don’t complain or try to argue. No matter how much you wanted to explain your side, your loving Father will still do what’s best for you, even if you need to experience hardships. Just stay in His presence and pray for a teachable heart that’s willing to accept corrections.

God disciplines the people He loves. He prunes those who want to bear fruit in His kingdom. So instead of running away from His presence, choose to listen to His voice. Follow His instructions even if it feels so uncomfortable. Command your body to move for His glory, and only then will you experience spiritual growth. Let the pain you feel lead you closer to the heart of God. Acknowledge His will in your life, and you will receive peace that surpasses all understanding.

Don’t rely on your own knowledge. God’s corrections sometimes hurt because they will make you realize that what you have in mind is not right. That’s why, it’s hard to accept His words because all this time, you are relying on your own understanding. Choose to seek His wisdom. Let Him open the eyes of your heart so that you will see a better perspective. The pruning season won’t be that hard to deal with if you have the willingness to go through the process.

Don’t waste your time trying to bring back what you once had. Sometimes, God will take you to another level so that you’ll discover more of His ways. In moments when you can’t understand Him, just rely on His words and continuously seek His presence.

Treat His discipline as His way of loving you. He needs to do it so that you’ll learn to handle what He prepared. He needs to mold your heart and the way you think so that when the right time comes, you will be able to properly steward His resources. Remember that the pain you feel inside is nothing compared to the miracles you are about to experience.

Hold on and take courage. Continue to glorify God and embrace His love. Allow Him to minister to you in this season. Keep your faith because your bright future is already waiting for you. Focus on His love and goodness. And only then will you learn to seize every moment you experience, including the hardest and the most challenging seasons of your life.