God’s Grace and Love will Inspire you to Forgive others
Forgiveness is a difficult thing to do, especially for those people who are still hurting. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. With God, you can fly above the storms and do things that are greater than your emotions. There’s an important thing that you need to remember every time you find it hard to love others. Just pray that God will fill you with His grace, and only then will you have the courage to open your heart so that you can release all the bitterness you feel inside. His perfect love will teach you how to accept other people’s mistakes. When you encounter Him in your life, you will always have enough reason to extend His mercy especially to those who broke your heart.
Allow God to love you. He alone can heal your deepest wounds. His perfect love can make everything new. So surrender the pain in His presence and open your heart. He will fill the empty spaces inside, and when you already know what love means, you can then share it with others. Set your eyes on God and never allow the pain to consume you. Focus on His blessings and remember that in Him, there is always hope. He will change the way you see things. And He will open your eyes so that you will realize that greater things are yet to come. If you only knew the bright future that’s waiting for you, then you will never allow the pain to hinder you from fulfilling God’s desires.
Just embrace His mercy and grace. God accepted you for who you are, including your sins and all your mistakes. He never condemned you for the wrong things that you did. Jesus died so that you will have the chance to experience eternal life. It’s a gift that you can never repay. That’s why it’s called grace. You are also a sinner, but a perfect and spotless God treats you as a treasure. He remained so kind and merciful. When don’t deserve that kind of love, and it’s overwhelming. But when you choose to receive it with all your heart, you will learn to accept others just like God did.
He will give you the courage to release forgiveness. It’s not about your own effort and strength. You can only do it through God’s grace. So depend on Him, and stop relying on what you feel. Focus on His power and not on your own will. Accept His love, and you can forgive those people who caused you pain. Yes, it’s not easy. But with God, it’s going to be worth all the efforts and tears.

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Your words always go right to the point they are like a canopy to many issues we are going through just in one topic may God keep growing your wisdom and using you